Wednesday, January 18, 2017

5 - Mankind's Disease: Rightosisis

Beliefs are meant to be believed. That is their simple nature. A belief can't be a belief until it is believed. To believe in something, we need to think it is correct, right or the truth. But a belief is a belief and not a fact. If it were a fact, we'd know it instead of believing it. Facts should be acceptable as fact to everyone, but often people don't believe in a fact. Sometimes facts don't support other beliefs so they are disregarded or not believed. We are all certain that what we believe is true and often to the point of where we believe what we believe isn't a belief but the absolute truth and knowledge.

Certainty of beliefs is universal. It isn't just that we believe in our beliefs, we have certainty in our beliefs.  Our beliefs are what we believe we know, but we really don't know because beliefs aren't facts and only facts can be known for sure. But the ego/I conflates knowing with believing. It's no longer considered a belief; it is considered knowledge. It is considered a fact with the same amount of certainty. This degree of certainty can be very problematic because it blocks us off from considering additional information that might give us a greater understanding of what it is we have beliefs about. Our certainty keeps us from being curious about the subject. It makes us disregard and ignore more information. We believe we know enough information to support our belief and we're not interested in any more information that might change our mind. Not only that, but we don't want our mind changed. That would mean that we were wrong in the first place. We don't like being wrong.

The ego/identity wants to be right all the time. Not only does it want to be right, it believes it is right all the time about all of its beliefs, all of them all of the time. Out of the thousands of minor and major beliefs the ego has, there isn't one of them that the ego believes is incorrect. Not one! Not a single solitary one. To have a belief requires belief in the belief. The belief in the belief is that it is correct or right. The ego can't help but to believe it is right about everything it believes. Everything! It automatically believes it is right all the time about everything it believes up until the moment it believes it is incorrect or not the truth and then it is no longer a belief. The second the ego believes it is incorrect about a belief it has, that former belief is no longer a belief. That's the basic nature of belief. If you think about it, isn't that unbelievable?

It is absolutely incredible! Everyone knows that they can't be right about everything all the time. It's impossible. We would have to know everything. We are all fallible. We are human and not perfect except in our imperfection. We can admit that we must be wrong about things, and we can admit we might be wrong about something; but if we believe it, we don't think we are wrong about anything we believe. That's a huge problem with beliefs. It's a disease that all of mankind suffers from. It's a psychological disorder that is destroying the planet and threatens mankind himself. We can't point out one single belief of ours that we think is incorrect! All we can do is admit to the possibility of us being wrong about a belief. Many people find it hard to even believe in the possibility of them being wrong about many of their beliefs. Some people have such certainty that they won't even consider the possibility of them being wrong about any belief they have let alone admitting that they were even wrong in the past. 

No wonder the ego is self-righteous. No wonder humans have such a hard time getting along. We all believe we are right about everything we believe all the time! We might believe that we can't be right about everything all the time, but we do believe all of our beliefs all of the time.  It's truly amazing! It's unlikely that two people out of 7 billion people agree on everything and our ego can't help but to think it is right about everything it believes! The ego/identity essentially thinks it is the one person on this planet that has it all right and all the other egos of the world also believe they have it all right, but there aren't two people on this planet that can agree on absolutely everything. Isn't that absurd? It's delusional, but we can't help it. It's a disease.
Some people are more open to other possibilities and are willing to consider other information that might change their belief than others. The more a person is willing to accept information that contradicts their beliefs, the more open minded they are. The degree of certainty and importance they place on a particular belief determines how willing they are to consider other options. The more a person is willing to be wrong determines how open their mind is. The more closed minded a person is limits their ability to actually be correct. We all suffer from closed mindedness to a certain extent. That's the ego's way.

The more willing you are to being wrong allows you to be correct more often.  Believing you could be wrong about everything you believe unlimits your belief system. It is an unlimiting belief. Knowing you don't know what you believe you know opens your mind to currently unbelievable possibilities. Those possibilities are currently unbelievable because your beliefs block you from believing them. The only way to remove or change those beliefs is to first consider that they might be incorrect.
To consistently come from the perspective of conscious awareness with an open unbiased mind , the belief in the importance of beliefs and the resulting belief in having to be right about beliefs has got to be dropped, replaced or changed. It simply can't be important for us to be right about our beliefs if we want to view the world with an open mind that considers all the other possibilities. But the real problem arises in the belief of the importance of importance and that comes down to the belief in the importance of the ego/identity --- self importance. If mankind didn't believe in his own self importance, it wouldn't be important for us to be right about our beliefs and the world would get along just fine.

What are your thoughts? Share them.

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